As crime rates continue to rise in North Carolina, law enforcement agencies and community members alike are searching for ways to combat the issue. One innovative solution that has been gaining traction in recent years is the use of facial composite software and certified facial composite designers. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why North Carolinians are investing in FACES Pro License and certification and how this tool is making a significant impact on crime solving in the state.

The FACES Pro License is a software program that allows users to create detailed and accurate facial composite images of suspects. These images can be used by law enforcement agencies to identify suspects and track down leads in criminal investigations. The software is user-friendly, and the images produced are of high-quality, making it an essential tool for investigators.

To further enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of the software, many North Carolinians are choosing to become certified facial composite designers. This certification is awarded to individuals who have completed a comprehensive training program and passed an exam. Certified facial composite designers are equipped with the knowledge and skills to create the most accurate and detailed images possible.

One example of how the FACES Pro License and certification is making a positive impact on crime solving can be seen in the city of Charlotte. As the city's population continues to grow, so too has the crime rate. In recent years, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) has been utilizing the FACES Pro License and certified facial composite designers to help identify suspects in a variety of crimes, including burglaries and armed robberies. The software has been a valuable tool for investigators and has helped to solve numerous cases.

Another example can be found in the city of Raleigh. The Raleigh Police Department (RPD) has been using the FACES Pro License and certified facial composite designers to help identify suspects in a series of bank robberies. The software has been instrumental in creating detailed images of the suspects, which have been used to track down leads and make arrests. The RPD has reported that the FACES Pro License and certification have been essential in solving these cases and bringing the suspects to justice.

In conclusion, the FACES Pro License and certification are powerful tools that are making a significant impact on crime solving in North Carolina. As crime rates continue to rise in the state, law enforcement agencies and community members are turning to these innovative solutions to help identify suspects and track down leads. The FACES Pro License is user-friendly and produces high-quality images, while certification ensures that the images are as accurate as possible. North Carolinians who invest in the FACES Pro License and certification are making a wise decision that will ultimately benefit their communities and help keep them safe.