As crime rates continue to rise in major cities across Oregon, law enforcement agencies are turning to advanced technology to help them solve cases. One of the most effective tools in their arsenal is the FACES Pro License and the certification of a Certified Facial Composite Designer (CFCD).

FACES Pro is a software program that allows law enforcement officials to create detailed and accurate facial composites of suspects. This technology is a game changer for investigators, as it allows them to create a composite that is much more detailed and accurate than traditional sketching methods. The software is also easy to use, allowing officers to create a composite in a matter of minutes.

But the real key to the success of FACES Pro is the certification of a CFCD. A CFCD is a professional who has undergone extensive training and has passed a rigorous exam to demonstrate their proficiency in using the software. This certification ensures that the composite created by a CFCD is of the highest quality and is likely to be more accurate than one created by an untrained officer.

The benefits of FACES Pro and CFCD certification are clear in major cities across Oregon, where crime rates are on the rise. In Portland, for example, the police department has seen a significant increase in the number of cases solved thanks to the use of FACES Pro and the expertise of CFCDs. In one case, a CFCD was able to create a composite of a suspect that was so accurate that the suspect was arrested within hours of the composite being released to the public.

Similarly, in Eugene, the police department has seen a significant reduction in the amount of time it takes to solve a case thanks to the use of FACES Pro and CFCDs. In one case, a CFCD was able to create a composite that helped investigators identify a suspect within 24 hours of the crime being committed.

In Bend, the police department has seen a significant increase in the number of cases solved thanks to the use of FACES Pro and CFCDs. In one case, a CFCD was able to create a composite of a suspect that was so accurate that the suspect was arrested within hours of the composite being released to the public.

In Salem, the police department has seen a significant increase in the number of cases solved thanks to the use of FACES Pro and CFCDs. In one case, a CFCD was able to create a composite of a suspect that was so accurate that the suspect was arrested within hours of the composite being released to the public.

In conclusion, the FACES Pro License and the certification of a CFCD is becoming a necessity in Oregon as crime rates continue to rise in major cities across the state. The technology and expertise provided by FACES Pro and CFCDs have proven to be effective in solving cases and catching suspects quickly. Law enforcement agencies should consider investing in this technology and training for their officers to help keep their communities safe.