Pharr is a city located in Hidalgo County, Texas, with a population of around 80,000 people. While the city is known for its rich history, delicious food, and cultural events, it is also important to be aware of its crime rate. In recent years, Pharr has seen an increase in violent crimes such as robbery and assault. As a resident of Pharr or a visitor to the city, it is important to take precautions to protect yourself from potential attackers.

Here are a few ways to protect yourself from an attacker:

  1. Be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts. If you feel like something is not right, it's better to err on the side of caution and take a different route.

  2. Avoid walking alone at night or in poorly lit areas. If you must walk alone, make sure you have a phone with you and call someone to accompany you.

  3. Keep valuable items such as wallets, phones, and jewelry hidden and secure.

  4. If someone approaches you in a threatening manner, stay calm and try to get away from the situation. Yell for help if you can, and if necessary, use self-defense techniques.

If you are a victim of a crime in Pharr, it is important to report it to the police as soon as possible. When reporting the crime, it is important to provide a detailed description of the attacker and the events that took place. This information can help the police identify the attacker and bring them to justice.

The Pharr Police Department is dedicated to keeping its citizens safe and is always looking for ways to improve its services. One way to get involved and help your local officers is by becoming a certified FACES consultant. FACES (Forensic Assistance for Criminal Enterprises and Services) is a program that trains individuals to assist law enforcement in identifying suspects in crimes. By becoming a FACES consultant, you can help Pharr police officers solve crimes faster and bring criminals to justice.

In conclusion, it is important to take precautions to protect yourself from potential attackers in Pharr, Texas. If you are a victim of a crime, make sure to report it to the police and provide a detailed description of the attacker and events that took place. Finally, get involved with the FACES Certification Community and help your local officers by becoming a certified FACES consultant. By working together, we can make Pharr a safer place for everyone.